Idyll Farms Goat Cheese Tasting at The Union! Idyll Farms Goat Farm Tour 2021

Idyll Farms is excited to partner up with the Northport Union to offer an enhanced farmstead goat cheese tasting along with an informational goat farm and creamery tour following the tasting.
The guided cheese tasting will be at the Union and will consist of a selection of Idyll Farms cheese. There will be an opportunity to purchase the cheese at the Union after the tasting and it will be available for purchase during their open retail hours. The cheese tasting will be $20 and the goat farm tour $10 with option to do one or both when registering.
The Idyll Farms tour will consist of walking outside the creamery and learning about how their award winning goat cheeses are made, walking outside the goat barns as you learn about their Certified Humane practices, getting a brief look at the pastures to learn of their regenerative farming methods and the highlight will be peeking into the milking parlor to have a look at the evening milking in progress!
This tour will allow for seeing the goats BUT THERE WILL BE NO PETTING/TOUCHING/HOLDING GOATS due to Idyll Farm’s strict biosecurity practices, which keep the goats at their optimal health. Idyll Farms does not currently maintain a petting zoo, it is solely a dairy goat operation.
Please wear closed toed shoes as the tour requires walking over uneven ground. Please contact directly if there is a mobility issue so that we can best accommodate your needs.
The dates are 7/8, 7/15,8/12 and 8/26. Tastings begin at 4:30 and Idyll Farms goat creamery tour will begin at 6 and will last an hour. The reservations can be made with the Union. To pre-register email Space is limited. Go to the Uninon’s website to book tickets