Idyll Farms


Whew! We’ve been busy!

We just completed our kidding season of “G” names (we assign a different letter of the alphabet each year). Starting with “A” names, this would bring us to our 7th official kidding season! We had a total of 320 kids born at Idyll Farms this year! We selected 10 bucklings, 60 doelings to keep and prepared a group of 30 wethers to donate to a grazing conservation project associated with the Leelanau Conservancy. (more on this to come!) The rest of the kids were sold to a farm raising goats for 4-H children.

In March, we won two 2018 World Championship Cheese Contest awards. Our Idyll Pastures Fennel Pollen won a “Best in Class” in the “Flavored Soft Goat Cheeses” category, and our Idyll Pastures plain won a 3rd place in the “Soft Goat Milk Cheeses” category. This brings our award count up to 5 World Championship Cheese Contest awards and 11 American Cheese Society awards just going into our 6th season making cheese!

Hope you can join us this summer at one of our tours! In the meantime, follow us on Instagram, @idyllfarmschevre, our Idyll Farms Facebook page or Twitter.

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