Idyll Farms wins 4 “Cheese Oscars” American Cheese Society Awards!
We are proud to announce we won 4 awards at the 2018 American Cheese Society Competition held in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago! This brings our ACS award count to 15 in addition to our 5 World Championship Cheese Contest Awards- our Michigan produced cheese is definitely a contender in the International Cheese Scene! Here are the details-
2nd place- Idyll Gris 1 lb
(BG) open category soft-ripened cheeses made from goat’s milk
2nd place- Ricotta
(AG) Cottage cheese, cream cheese, fromage blanc, fromage frais, mascarpone, quark, and ricotta made from goat’s milk
3rd place- Idyll Gris 3 lb
(NS) Fresh Goat’s milk cheese aged 0-30 days (hand-shaped, formed or molded into pyramid, disc, drum, crottin, basket or other shape
3rd place- Idyll Pastures Garlic and Herbs
(KN) Fresh goat cheese with flavor added- 100% goat’s milk (Note: this category had the most entries out of the entire competition)